Lose weight wisely

Strict diets are not the best helpers in the fight against obesity: during a few weeks of half-starved existence on a monotonous menu, the hated pounds will undoubtedly disappear, but will only return after the restrictions are lifted. In addition, the metabolism that has slowed down due to stress is not at all easy to speed up again, the body activates a protective reaction and stops losing weight. If you want to become lean while maintaining health, you can’t do without a well-designed diet. How to eat properly to lose weight? The nutritionist's daily menu includes all the necessary substances and vitamins.

Then the menu, which is competently compiled by a nutritionist for each day, will help you lose weight, plus stay lean for many years, prevent the development of many diseases associated with overweight. The main provisions of the healthy eating menu should be learned by heart:

  • To speed up my metabolism,requires me to eatat least 5 timesin small meals a day. A fractional diet allows the body to fully assimilate incoming nutrients, expends energy from them on vital processes and does not feel hungry. Nutritionists warn: the absence of food for more than 4 hours is subconsciously perceived as stress, a signal for the accumulation of fat, so do not reduce the menu to a minimum, by skipping meals;
  • Half of the dishes on the menu are fresh vegetable and fruit salads.Daily intake of complex carbohydrates is mandatory, because porridge cleanses the body, normalizes the digestive system. Fish and meat will become a source of protein, and dairy products will supply you with calcium and support the microflora. Don't forget nuts, a handful a day is enough. As you can see, the menu for each day is varied;
  • The right way to cook is important. Avoid fried foods in favor of steamed or foil foods. Make the menu as light as possible -salads without mayonnaise, the least salt and oil.Dinner should be no later than 8pm and the evening meal is the lowest calorie of all;
  • Drink at least 2 liters of clean water a day,starting with two glasses in the morning on an empty stomach. Water is necessary for the breakdown of fats, the removal of harmful substances from the body. Tea, coffee, compotes, juices diversify the menu, but these are liquids, they will not replace water;
  • Be sure to count calories when creating a menu for each day.At first, this activity will seem boring and awkward, but soon you will remember the calorie content of frequently consumed food and you will automatically control the portions. On average, to maintain her current weight, a woman needs to make a menu of 2000 kcal a day, andto lose weight, you need to reduce your diet to about 1200-1500 kcal.

In the early days, restrictions on the menu may seem quite harsh, but only in relation to previous food freedom. Proper nutrition very quickly becomes a habit, and a slim silhouette will become an additional motivation.

Permitted and prohibited products from the menu

Allowed and forbidden food

It will be much easier to create a healthy diet menu for each day, having in mind a list of healthy and undesirable ingredients. Thus, the green light in the daily diet burns for the following foods:

  • Dietary meat, lean poultry- veal, rabbit, turkey, chicken;
  • Shrimp, shellfish, squid, all kinds of fish(of course, salmon or seafood should be rare on the menu)
  • Chicken eggs,hard-boiled or steamed omelet;
  • Absolutely everythingnot starchy vegetables, not very sweet fruits;
  • Dark rice;
  • Tofu cheese;
  • Milk, fermented milk productswith a fat content not exceeding 2%. Sweet yogurts, even low-calorie ones, are excluded from the menu;
  • Bread,made from wholemeal flour and bran with the addition of whole grains;
  • Legumes- peas, beans, lentils.

With proper preparation and small portions, all items on the list should become the basis of the menu for each day. In a special group, nutritionists extract productsconditionally allowed, or rarely, once a week:

  • Vegetables with high starch content- potatoes, beets, corn. Only cooked ones are added to the menu;
  • Sweet strong fruit- bananas, grapes, khaki;
  • Honey, dark chocolatecan be used as a dessert;
  • Cream, sour cream, butter(10 g) will enrich the menu, but here it is important not to get carried away;
  • Occasionally in the morningpamper yourself with a slice ofhard cheese, a glass of natural juice.

Don't completely rule out these products, keep the menu varied. Altering high- and low-calorie meals creates a so-called metabolic boost, stimulating fat burning.

Finally, let's examine the list ofcategorical food taboos in the new menu:

  • Any smoked meat and pork.Very satisfactory, they contain heavy fats that are not absorbed but are deposited on the waist;
  • Bread and rollsof wheat flour;
  • Mayonnaise, all store saucesmust leave the daily menu forever;
  • Milk chocolate, packaged juices.They are of no use, and the sugar content is frightening;
  • Sweets, salt, sugar, carbonated drinks.By discarding only them, you can lose weight noticeably in a month;
  • Alcohol.It will nullify all efforts due to its high calorie content and negative effects on the body.

The number of correct menu bans was not so great. The only difficulty is that all the products from the last list are addictive, they are hard to refuse. But there is nothing to do, lose weight and be healthy is much more important than eating a salad with mayonnaise, right?

Food rotation during the day

Alternating products

One week is enough to fall in love with healthy light food forever. The main thing is to respect the principle of alternation in the menu, otherwise the annoying oatmeal will get bored on the third day, the longing for chops will reappear. We will need to adjust our daily routine to accept five meals from the updated menu:

Weather Recommended Product List
7: 30 breakfast Fiber and complex carbohydrateswill provide energy for a long day. It can be any porridge boiled in water and a cup of tea with lemon;
10: 00 Lunch. Light protein foodis ​​the basis of the menu, it will support all vital processes at the maximum level - a piece of lean poultry with steamed vegetables, cottage cheese. Optionally, it is allowed to replace proteins with fruit or cookies;
13: 00 lunch A full, hearty meal that must include first and second course. Proper soup is lean, with a minimal amount of potatoes, and preferably without it. The garnish is cooked without salt, accompanied by a vegetable salad;
16: 00 Afternoon Snack Time for a little treat: if you haven't eaten sweets for lunch, let yourself go. Or replace dessert with low-fat yogurt on days when you’re a little relaxed in the morning;
19: 00 dinner Carbohydrates eaten during this time are no longer absorbed before bedtime, so give preference to protein.

If you really want to eat in the evening, you can drink a glass of kefir or low-fat yogurt, this menu is not forbidden. It is not worth eating kefir with cookies: deciding to eat only one, it is very difficult to refrain from additives, and here the process risks becoming uncontrollable.

The so-called"night zhor" enemy is number one,it is very difficult to lose weight. And don’t forget to drink clean water, now it’s your best friend.

Nutrition Weekly Menu

Menu for the week

To make it easier for you to create a menu for each day, here is an example developed according to the advice of a nutritionist who helps to lose weight. Take this as a guide and gradually supplement with healthy, light meals.


  • Oatmeal with a spoonful of jam, unsweetened tea;
  • Baby banana puree 200g;
  • Soup with mushrooms, chicken fillet + cabbage salad with tomatoes and radishes;
  • Packaging of low-fat cottage cheese, orange;
  • Cheese milk.


  • Buckwheat steamed in the evening with boiling water + steamed vegetables, dried fruit compote;
  • 2 green apples;
  • Cold borscht, steamed veal + sliced ​​fresh vegetables;
  • 3Large cod steak baked in foil, grapefruit;
  • ZKefir 1, 5%.


  • Rice + vegetable stew;
  • Dessert of 50g walnuts with a spoonful of honey;
  • Cabbage soup with pickles, boiled turkey + 3 roasted potatoes + fresh cucumber;
  • Two boiled eggs + cheese sandwich;
  • A large glass of natural yogurt.


  • Durum wheat spaghetti mixed with 100 g of fat-free cottage cheese;
  • Banana + wedge of dark chocolate;
  • Meat soup with croutons, steamed beef + stewed cabbage;
  • 200 g sea cocktail;
  • A cup of baked milk with honey.


  • Lentils with boiled fish;
  • Two peaches or bananas;
  • Ukha, a large bowl of vegetable salad topped with sour cream;
  • Grilled chicken fillet, fresh cucumber salad and tomato;
  • Omelet of 2 eggs, sprinkled with herbs, a glass of kefir.


  • Boiled potatoes + grated carrots with garlic;
  • Three small kiwis;
  • Milk soup, rabbit, stewed in a multi-cooker with green beans;
  • Packaging of cottage cheese + tablespoon of fruit jam;
  • Cheese milk.


  • Cauliflower stewed in a pan with onions;
  • Fruit salad with yogurt dressing;
  • Vegetable soup, boiled veal + beans with tomato sauce;
  • 150 g low-fat cheese;
  • Half a liter of kefir.

When counting on weight loss, you should not rely only on the menu of proper nutrition: nutritionists advise to dedicate at least a few hours each day to moderate physical activity - walking at an average pace, cycling, swimming, exercising in the gym.