The Dukan Diet

Based diet designed by French nutritionist by the Fifth courier Dukan, today very popular in France. The Dukan diet is fairly simple, though strict, with strict implementation of all rules is very effective. It is recommended for those who are trying to lose 10 pounds or more.

Dr. Dukan

The Dukan diet belongs to the category of low-carb diets and allows no limit on the amount of food to quickly lose weight. The high intake of proteins provides the body the necessary energy, the weight loss is due body fat, and not muscle.

In addition, the system Dukan helps to maintain the achieved weight throughout life.

Benefits of Dukan diet

Unlimited amount of food; no distinction is made by hour of day and number of meals; the diet – natural products, making it safe; the Dukan diet is effective, even if your body has already developed a strong "immunity" to different methods of weight loss; high level of motivation due to the rapid loss of pounds every week can leave 3-5 kg; the diet is suitable for those who love to eat and cook in the kitchen; observe it everywhere: at home, in the office, traveling, at a café.

Disadvantages of Dukan diet

In the early days may experience feelings of fatigue, fatigue – that is the effect of ketone bodies, appetite suppressants, the production of which stimulates the Dukan diet; the menu contains an insufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, so during the diet you should take complementary vitamins and minerals; to compensate for the lack of fat in the diet is needed in cooking use a small amount of vegetable fats; those who don't love to cook, the Dukan diet can quickly get bored.

Stages of Dukan diet

The Dukan diet consists of 4 phases: "attack" (start), cruise (striping), securing, stabilizing. The deadline for the implementation of these steps depends on how many pounds of weight you wish to lose.

Each phase of the diet has its own characteristics, but there are some General rules: every day should drink 1.5-2 liters of pure non-carbonated water; daily have oat bran (at different stages their number changes); the diet must be combined with light physical exercise and walks in the air (no less than 20 minutes in the first phase, not less than 30 minutes – every subsequent).

Stage 1: Attack (start)

Menu of the first phase – protein (protein food PP). At this stage, the task diet start the body's breakdown of fatty tissue. This process may be accompanied by discomfort, dryness of the mouth, the emergence of easy breath. These "side effects" they say that the diet started to act.

Grilled fish

Weight loss at the stage of starting may be 2-6 kg. the Duration of the starting stage is determined depending on excess weight at beginning of diet: extra 10-20 kg – 3-5 days; 20-30 extra pounds 5-7 days; 30 extra kg or more – 5-10 days. More than 10 days to comply with the phase "attack" is unacceptable.

From the diet in the first phase eliminated the sugar (but you can use sweeteners), most meats (duck, goose, rabbit, beef, pork, mutton, veal, lamb).

Permitted foods (can be eaten alone, can be mixed): chicken and Turkey without skin (boiled); lean ham; veal liver, kidney, tongue; any fish (boiled, steam, grill); seafood; eggs; dairy products with low fat, no added sugar and fruit, no more than 800 grams. a day.

From drinks allowed coffee, herbal herbal and traditional teas, diet coke. Is it permissible to add to the food vinegar, condiments and spices, garlic and onions, small amounts of salt. You can eat a little pickles, lemon (but don't add it to drinks). Can be consumed in moderate quantity of mustard.

Daily you also need the connection to eat 1.5 table. tablespoons of oat bran. Compliance with this condition at all stages of the Dukan diet is important for proper bowel function and elimination from the body products of fat breakdown.

Phase 2: "Cruise" (alternating)

For products allowed on the stage start to add the vegetables (raw, roasted or boiled, at any time and in any quantity). However, to achieve the result it is important to observe the correct sequence of products.

The duration of this stage depends on how quickly you will achieve the desired weight. The number of pounds discharged depends on the alternation of protein and vegetable menu: less than 10 kg: proteins (PP) – protein + vegetables (PL) 1 after 1 day or 3/3, 5/5 (selected scheme of alternation can be changed at any time); more than 10 kg: 5/5 days.

Allowed vegetables: cucumbers; tomatoes; radishes; asparagus; spinach; green beans; cabbage; eggplant; celery; zucchini; bell peppers; beets; carrots. Can't have beets and carrots in every meal, you should consume a variety of vegetables. To vegetables you can add mushrooms.

Menu every day, you need to add 2 table. tablespoons of oat bran.

You can not eat starchy foods: potatoes, rice, corn and other grains, peas, beans, lentils, avocado.

Consolidation stage of the diet

Menu another phase of the diet you can vary the spices (including chili pepper and adjika), garlic, pickles, ketchup, (1 tbsp), gelatin, starch (1 tbsp), milk with low fat, gray with a fat content of not more than 6% (30 gr.), red or white wine (3 table. tablespoons), fat-free cream (1 teaspoon), cocoa low fat (1 tsp), tofu, surimi (crab sticks, no more than 8 pieces per day).

However, these additives can be used only two products a day. Fish at this stage can be replaced by natural canned fish with no added oil. You can use sugar substitutes when cooking soy sauce.

Stage 3: Consolidation

The task of the third stage is to return to the previous power mode without returning the lost pounds. The duration of the phase of consolidation depends on dropped hour diet weight: for every kg lost – 10 days of consolidation.

For the daily menu for the consolidation phase of fit: all the products of the first and second stages; fruits except cherries, grapes and bananas (one serving daily); 2 slices of bread; 40 gr. Mature cheese; 2 times a week starchy foods (pasta, potatoes, legumes, rice).

To the daily menu, you must add daily 2.5 table. tablespoons of oat bran. In addition, the third phase of the diet Ducane, 2 times per week 1 meal can turn into a "feast" and you can afford everything you want.

Keep in mind that these two days, it is impossible to arrange in a row! 1 day per week (preferably Thursday), should be protein (PP).

Stage 4: Stabilization

The menu at this point, you may enter anything you wish. Its goal is to stabilize the achieved weight. It is important to follow 2 rules: daily connect to eat 3 table. tablespoons oat bran; 1 day a week to maintain a clean plant protein diet (PP). Other exceptions or restrictions the final phase of the Dukan diet is not intended. The duration of compliance – the rest of your life.

Desserts from the book 350 diet recipes Ducane


1-2 sachets carbohydrate-free sweetener, 10 proteins, parchment, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

Chocolate cakes

Whip whites with lemon juice until resistant foam, add sweetener. From pastry bag or spoon to spread on a baking sheet servings meringue, bake at 200 degrees. Some types of sweetener can burn at that temperature, if this happens, you have to heat the oven above 180 degrees.

Chocolate cakes

For "test" – 2 tablespoons of oat bran, a little cocoa (suitable for "Russian" or "Gold label", or any other kind without sugar) 200 g creamy gray 0-2% fat, 4-5 protein, 1 egg yolk. For the cream 1 packet of cheese, a packet of vanillin, carbohydrate-free sweetener. For decoration – you can bake according to the previous recipe meringue.

To start, whisk the whites and add the cocoa, there also pour the bran and knead the dough. Gradually, without ceasing to interfere, entered cocoa, cheese, egg yolk. Some people prefer to add in the dough sweetener for example stevia powder, others cost a sweet cream and "ornaments". "The batter" pour into a round shape and bake at a temperature of about 180 degrees. Meanwhile, whisk the cream cheese with the sweetener and vanilla. The latter should be quite a bit, otherwise the product may taste bitter. Further, the crust should be cool, and either immediately cut into portions and decorate cakes cottage cheese cream and meringue, or cut in half, sandwiching the cream and decorate the top. These recipes are suitable for "Attack". If you are in the "consolidation" or "cruise" cakes can be sandwiched, for example, pumpkin jam to get even more interesting taste.

Pumpkin jam

1 kg of pumpkin, cinnamon, cloves, steamer, 1 lemon (juice). Pumpkin chop as fine as possible and cook in a double boiler. Grind in a blender, add the lemon juice and spices, and cinnamon to take meleny.

Savoury muffins

150 g cheese, 2 tablespoons oat bran, 4 protein, 2 egg yolks, baking powder or baking powder. RUB the yolks with the cheese, beat the whites, add the bran, mix with ser. Can a little salt or add spices that you like. At the end add the baking powder.

Bake at 150 degrees for about half an hour. If you want vipca not "opal", the oven in the process it is better not to open.

Vanilla ice cream

Vanilla ice cream

A glass of skim milk, 20 g of gelatin regular, 4 protein, 6 tablets of Splenda, 1 packet of vanillin. Proteins vzbit in a solid foam, a little salt, in order not to fall.

It is possible, by the way, add cocoa or cinnamon, if you prefer a chocolate flavor. Add sweetener at the end, "smash" all resulting from his ass and bubbles. Gelatin soak in warm water, the milk is heated, the compound combine with gelatin, and continuing to stir, add 3 tablets of sweetener. Stir to completely dissolve the gelatin, but remove from heat. Re-enable the mixer, and gently, thin stream, pour the milk with gelatin into the whites. First it needs a little cool to a warm state, so the squirrels don't curdle. Add vanilla, mix well. If you have a freezer, leave it for 15 minutes in it, and then lay on the forms and send in the freezer, if ice cream is not, just choose a more flat shape, such as bowls and freeze. The last stage takes approximately 3-4 hours depending on capacity of the freezer.

Pancakes and fritters Dukana

Pumpkin pancakes

150-200 grams of pumpkin, 120 ml milk, 2 tablespoons of skim milk powder (if not, you can use any protein isolate, in addition to fruit flavors, but then it is not necessary to take sweetener, and so it is in the composition of isolate), 2-3 tablespoons of oat bran (some replace 1 spoon of bran with a teaspoon of corn starch), a little soda, slaked with lemon juice, a little clove, 4-5 protein, 150 grams of cheese.

The pumpkin, boil in water or cook for a couple phrase quality, then mash with a fork or turn into a puree using a blender. Protein whisk, add the cheese, milk, beat again, add the bran, stir, add sweetener and milk, then pumpkin puree, beat again, and at the end put soda. Pancakes are best in a special crepe maker that can be reversed entirely by lifting the handle. Use a minimum of olive oil for greasing a baking tray and cook on a medium heat. Cloves can be added to the water before cooking the pumpkin, but you can grind in a mortar, mix with cinnamon and pour into the dough before baking.

Pumpkin pancakes

2 squash-zucchini, 1 red onion, 2 tablespoons of skim milk powder, some olive oil, any seasoning for vegetables, mixed, you can simply salt, 1 egg, a couple of proteins.

Zucchini with onions three on a grater, her milk whisk together with the eggs, stir. The dough spread on a baking tray lined with parchment paper using a tablespoon, bake at 180 degrees until cooked. Pancakes for any phase of the diet 2 tablespoons of oat bran to soak in water, add 1-2 eggs, mix and quickly sauté in a hot pan or crêpe maker. Serve these pancakes can be salmon, trout or regular cheese, slightly flavored with Splenda.

Cabbage fritters

Cabbage fritters

1 kg cauliflower, 1 Cup bran, 1 Cup of yogurt, 3 eggs, a little soda, 1 onion, 2-3 tablespoons of dry skim milk.

Cabbage boil until phrase quality, drain the water, grind the vegetables in a blender. Onion grate and connection to connect with the cabbage, pour the buttermilk bran, beat eggs, mix bran, buttermilk, egg, cabbage puree, a little salt and leave for 10 minutes in a bowl. Then add soda and her skim milk, mix well, bake in a hot frying pan, pouring on her 1-2 teaspoons of a single.

You can bake the fritters in the oven, in this case, the pan is not to pour oil and cover with parchment or baking paper.


1 teaspoon cocoa, 1 Cup low-fat yogurt with no fillers, a sweetener, powder, pack of cheese, 4 protein, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons bran, vanillin.

Cottage cheese, protein, eggs, and pre-soaked in water oat bran make the dough for cheesecakes, quick fry on both sides in a Teflon pan, place on a baking tray lined with baking parchment, and bake until tender for about 10 minutes. Yogurt mixed with cocoa and Splenda cheesecakes served with the resulting gravy.