The basics of a proper diet for weight loss at home

Fitness diet plays a major role in the weight loss process. Desire alone will not be enough. More training is needed for best performance. Such an integrated approach and taking into account individual characteristics will provide you with good reliable results even at home. Be patient, be firm and enjoy the process of transforming your body.

How to stick to a healthy diet

weight loss diet

Proper weight loss according to a regular diet is very important for effective weight loss at home.

Many people eat without any schedule, even at home, and do not pay attention to the calorie content and harmfulness of food. Therefore, you will feel the first signs of weight loss after you have fulfilled this condition.

  • Create a diet based on your daily routine. Divide the entire estimated amount of food into several meals. It should be eaten in small meals at least five times a day.
  • In the morning the metabolism in the body is intensified. Therefore, the majority of food is eaten during breakfast and lunch. Breakfast should in no case be skipped and must be present as well as as complete as possible. Prepare it from such healthy products: any cereal, milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, eggs, muesli, toast or bread.
  • Light soup with water or soup with low fat and vegetable salad are very good for lunch. Small, easily digestible snacks before and after lunch are allowed.
  • Dinner should be the lightest and smallest in quantity - after all, metabolic processes slow down at night. The last meal after the main dinner should be a few hours before bedtime. After training, it is better to drink a glass of kefir or eat an apple.
  • Snacks and snacks can consist of fresh fruits, vegetables, fruit and vegetable salads. You can add low-fat cottage cheese and other low-fat dairy products.
  • Try each meal at the same time. After a short time, the body will quickly get used to the strictly defined regime. This will save you from frequent and annoying hunger pangs.

How to combine good nutrition with exercise

proper diet and exercise for weight loss

Exercise and exercise are good for burning fat and tightening tight skin. With little or no physical effort, a minimum of energy is expended. Therefore, excess calories are stored in the body as excess fat.

You can get rid of them at home by doing the most common household chores. But it will be very useful for weight loss and gym workouts under the guidance of an experienced trainer.

Weight loss occurs after regular intensive cleaning and ironing.

Be sure to consider your exercise schedule when planning your diet. Try to eat well before training. This lunch should be complete and provide you with the necessary energy reserves. Make up for it with foods that are not too digestive. Nuts and dried fruits, bananas and bread are best. You should eat two to three hours before your workout.

After training with food, you will have to wait at least two hours. In case of a strong attack of hunger, it is allowed to eat a small apple. After two to three hours, you can eat something more caloric - kefir, omelet, cottage cheese or eggs.

What is the role of carbohydrates

There are two types of carbohydrates - simple and complex. Glucose, fructose and lactose are simple. They are found in pasta and sweets, milk and sweets. Excessive use of such products leads to weight gain and weight gain.

Complex carbohydrates are recommended for weight loss.

First of all, these are fibers. It lowers blood cholesterol and cleanses the body of harmful substances. Fiber is found in nuts, fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes. Starch and glycogen are also complex carbohydrates and are necessary for the body to be saturated with all the necessary trace elements and vitamins. They are found in potatoes, rice, buckwheat, legumes and cereals.

Why are proteins useful?

Proteins are an important component of our muscles. Protein molecules are needed for metabolic processes and regeneration.

During exercise, weight loss occurs at the expense of muscle protein loss. Therefore, proper nutrition is unthinkable without protein, even without physical activity.

protein foods for proper nutrition

Here is a list of healthy protein foods:

  • Fish and seafood;
  • Lean meat;
  • Eggs;
  • Milk;
  • Cheese;
  • Yogurt;
  • Hard cheeses;
  • Kefir.

Why do you need fat?

Fats are also very important in the weight loss process. It is an integral part of cells and an energy supplier. It should be a lot of fat, but not too much - moderate. Excess fat foods contribute to weight gain.

Lack of fat can be a cause of impotence.

A proper diet should consist of foods rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6. Due to the presence of these useful substances in the body, metabolic processes are normalized and cholesterol does not accumulate in the vessels.

Fat-rich foods should be avoided in a weight loss diet. These are lard, fatty meat (pork), butter, margarine, mayonnaise, fatty cheeses. Preference should be given to vegetable fats.

What role do vitamins and minerals play?

The presence of these nutrients is also necessary in the diet for weight loss. Vitamins strengthen the immune system and help the body fight infections and viruses. They also participate in metabolic processes. Micronutrients are needed to burn fat, maintain adequate insulin levels, and normalize blood pressure and heart rate.

Your daily diet should be rich in vitamins A, B, C, potassium, zinc and iodine.

Let's make a list of useful products that contain these substances:

  • Laminaria;
  • Kaki;
  • Meat;
  • Nuts;
  • Pumpkin seeds;
  • Lens;
  • Celery; Dried apricots;
  • Prunes.

How much fluid to drink

Water speeds up metabolic processes and metabolism. It is needed to burn fat and remove toxins from the body. That is, to reduce total body weight. During and after exercise, the body loses a lot of fluid and needs to be replenished to normalize water and salt balance.

a measure of water intake with proper nutrition

Drink at least 2 liters of clean water a day.

It's not hard at home. The water should be unsweetened and calm. Distribute this amount evenly throughout the day.

You can drink water when you experience hunger attacks and after training.

Which products to prefer

Nutritionists often provide a list of foods that can help you lose weight at home and maintain optimal weight.

What to give preference to when compiling a weight loss menu:

  • Pasta and bread(mostly made from wholemeal flour). This food contains a lot of fiber and vitamins.
  • Foods rich in vitamin C.These are citrus fruits (especially oranges and grapefruit), red peppers, broccoli, tomatoes. This food can be eaten even after exercise.
  • Lean cooked meat.It contains a lot of protein, but does not contribute to weight gain.
  • Beef liver.This product contains many vitamins and microelements. The nutrients in beef liver convert sugar into energy and prevent the formation of excess body fat.
  • Olive oilis ​​the best substitute for butter. Can be used for salads and hot dishes.
  • Cinnamonhelps absorb sugar and lowers blood sugar.
  • Foods high in Omega-3,help reduce adrenaline levels. These are seafood and nuts.
  • Dairy products:milk, kefir, cottage cheese, curdled milk, fermented baked milk, yogurt. This food contains calcitriol, necessary for burning fat.
  • Seaweedis ​​a product with a high iodine content. Adequate iodine helps the thyroid to function properly. But the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and the entire endocrine system is a guarantee of normal body weight.

Preparing a complete weight loss menu at home is very simple. After all, all of these products are affordable and none at all.

Things to keep in mind when preparing food

When thinking about your menu, it is important not only to have healthy food. The method of preparation is of great importance.

At home, it's easier to follow the main rules:

the essence of a weight loss diet
  • Stewing is preferred of all cooking methods. After such processing, the maximum amount of nutrients and the least fat remain in the food.
  • Baking can be replaced by baking in the oven or on the grill.
  • For cooking porridge, it is better to take not milk, but water. Try to avoid sugar. Instead, you can use natural sweets - honey or sweet fruit.
  • For the preparation of soups and stews, refuse fatty soups and various fries.
  • Forget about eating ready-made sauces. Even light, low-calorie mayonnaise is a very questionable ingredient in a weight loss diet.

Beware of overeating, try to reduce the total amount of food you eat.

"If you want to prolong life, shorten meals, " Benjamin Franklin used to say.

With such a rich set of information and recommendations, the weight loss procedure at home will become simple and even pleasant.

With a little effort and patience, make a list and diet and you will lose weight without dubious fat burning medications.