How to lose 5 kg in a week: effective diet and exercise

Weight loss dishes

Losing weight in seven days is quite possible. Such a desire does not appear just like that. That means a special event is planned and I want to look perfect at it. Before you start losing weight fast, you need to choose the option that suits you best.

Diet is stress for the body, as a result of which malfunctions in the human body are possible. How much and is it realistic to lose weight in a week and not cause harm? The answer lies in adhering to a developed diet plan.

Is it possible to lose weight in 7 days

A week is a short but psychologically significant period that allows a person to achieve certain indicators. If you follow the rules of the diet, it is quite possible, but the most important thing is to keep the weight later. Under no circumstances should you go on a hunger strike or "sit" on a solid mono-diet whose essence is one product that is included in it. There are a number of diet plans that help you lose 2 to 7 pounds of excess weight during the weekly period.

Some people get frustrated quickly. Explain this is simple - the first people to lose weight are the face, chest, shoulders, then comes the problem areas of the body, abdomen, hips and buttocks. They do not have time to say goodbye to excess deposits, and the result does not live up to expectations. In these cases, sports activities will help, a special massage that increases blood flow and "burns" fat faster. A balanced diet will help you lose weight quickly and permanently.

Principles of good nutrition

To make weekly weight loss a reality, each person chooses an individual diet. Its effect should be to reduce weight, maintain results and most importantly maintain health. The result of losing weight under a temporary restriction depends on a balanced diet. Other factors do not have time to show in a short period of time.

It is necessary to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition during the weight loss period, as well as in the future. Other foods can be added to the diet, it will only improve health.

The catering rules are as follows:

  1. Set your priorities by building a system.
  2. Healthy salad
  3. The basis of the diet is protein and real fats and carbohydrates. Fluid in the amount of 1, 5-2 liters per day.
  4. Maintain a calorie deficit. The calculation of this indicator should be strictly individual.
  5. Frequency of meals - 5 times a day. Distribution of daily allowance: for breakfast - up to 600 kcal, lunch - 200 kcal, lunch - 400 kcal, snack - 150 kcal and dinner - 300 kcal.
  6. No dry water.
  7. Portions: vegetables, first course and dairy products in the amount of 150 g, meat and fish - 120 g. Nuts, fruits, vegetable oil - a little.
  8. Follow your diet every day.

After a week of losing weight, it is important to refrain from overeating. If the excess weight exceeds the limit of 30 kg, a consultation with a nutritionist is required before the weekly diet on an empty stomach.

Sample menu

Diet for weight loss every week can be compensated individually by choosing healthy and favorite ingredients. The main principle of food intake is complete rejection of flour products, sweets, carbonated drinks.

The basis of the diet menu for the week, in which the daily meal is divided into 4 phases: breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.

First day - saturation of the body with slow carbohydrates:

  1. Oatmeal in water, add a slice of pear or kiwi.
  2. Cooked fish and lettuce.
  3. Durum wheat pasta, stewed vegetables.
  4. Nuts, pear, moderate.

Day 2 - Nutrients:

  1. 5 fried egg whites, stewed spinach.
  2. Vegetable puree soup, a slice of wholemeal bread.
  3. Stewed vegetables and fish.
  4. Yogurt with 0% fat, fresh berries, dried fruit.

Third day - vitamins, minerals:

  1. Oatmeal on water, pear.
  2. Whole grain bread, vegetables.
  3. Stewed chicken with vegetables.
  4. Dried apricots, fruit smoothie.

Fourth day - fiber and vitamins:

  1. Any unsweetened porridge, orange.
  2. Steamed fish, vegetable salad.
  3. Stewed beef with vegetables.
  4. Two baked apples with honey and cinnamon, low-fat cottage cheese.

Day 5 - unloading. Divide fresh vegetables and fruits into five meals, exclude physical activity, and do morning breathing exercises.

Day 6 - to summarize:

  1. Apple and low-fat cottage cheese.
  2. Vegetable soup and pasta.
  3. Weight loss products
  4. A few boiled shrimps, vegetable salad.
  5. Fruits and nuts.

Seventh day saturation:

  1. Whole grain pancakes with berries.
  2. Stewed vegetables with meat.
  3. Cooked fish with vegetables.
  4. Yogurt 0%, apple, walnuts.

The diet of the week is effective and simple, and its menu can be adjusted by changing the ingredients for the same calories and usefulness.

Best exercises

To lose a few pounds urgently, you can't do without sports loads. Today, exercises have been developed for all problem areas. Most are performed in a complex way, while working on the whole body. This is an additional action of a healthy diet, without which there will be no sense.

Classes should begin with warming up, the purpose of which is to warm up the muscles. Included in the heating complex:

  • running in place, walking;
  • slopes;
  • arm rotation.

These simple and easy exercises are just as important as the main complex. They must be run at maximum speed.

For legs

To lose 5 kg in a week to become real, a set of exercises was developed. Here the countdown goes in time, taking 45-60 seconds for each exercise. You need to perform the exercises at a pace to amplify the effect.

Leg exercise

Perform hand steps for 45 seconds, with one repetition:

  1. Stand up straight.
  2. Lean forward, rest your hands on the floor, legs straight.
  3. Hands "step" forward, backward.

Twisting Exercise:

  1. Lie flat on the mat, arms close to your body.
  2. Lift your torso, straight legs are on the floor.

When done, the press is also pumped. Performance and repetition times.

An effective complex is turning the bike.

  1. Lie on the mat.
  2. Raise your legs, bend at the knees, spin the bike in the air.
  3. Get down on the floor.


The main exercise for weight loss is the steps on the back. Exercise helps tighten the back of the thigh.

  1. Stand upright with your hands on your hips.
  2. Kick back.
  3. Return to the original position.
  4. Repeat with the other leg.
  5. Do the complex for 30 seconds on each leg, repeat 2 times.


  1. Position - enter the bar.
  2. Open to one side, raise your hand.
  3. Go back and try again.

Each page has 30 seconds. After completing the complex, do one repetition.

Squats are essential in any range of leg exercises.

  1. Shoulders shoulder-width apart, arms lower.
  2. Sit with your back straight, press your hands to your chest.
  3. Weights will increase the effect.


The exercise will tighten the abdominal muscles, remove extra inches at the waist:

  1. Lie on your back on the mat, grab the support with your hands.
  2. Bent legs.
  3. Raise your legs as you exhale.
  4. With your breath, lower it down.
  5. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times, then rest for 30 seconds and repeat the approach.

Exercise with a hoop effectively "burns" fat in problem areas, improves metabolism and removes cellulite deposits. The hoop must be twisted without interruption for at least 10 minutes. If the hoop falls, lift it up and start over. The longer you rotate it continuously, thePractice in the pressthe more effect you can achieve.

Riveting exercise:

  1. Lie on your back.
  2. Raise your legs and torso to the maximum upper position, touch your legs with your hands.
  3. Do 10 reps slowly.

All of these exercises are simple and affordable, and can be done at home. However, regular exercise will bring you toned muscles, lightness and good mood.

The most efficient fast diet

The weekly weight loss technique is very popular. Nutritionists have developed a variety of menus to help boost performance. However, any diet requires prior acquaintance with its plan and, if necessary, consultation with a doctor.


A mono-diet whose main product is buckwheat. It contains few carbohydrates, promotes the breakdown of fats, and is rich in protein and vitamins. Buckwheat is prepared simply: pour a glass of cereal with boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for 8-10 hours. It is consumed during the day in any quantity. The main condition is free of salt, oil, sugar, spices. In addition, you can drink one liter of low-fat kefir, herbal tea. If you get tired of porridge, you can eat 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, unsweetened apples for lunch. You can sleep 3-4 hours after dinner.


This diet, which is very effective for weight loss for a week, is not a mono diet. Any low-calorie product is added to the main ingredient. The daily norm of kefir is 1. 5 liters, the percentage of fat is zero. You can drink water and herbal tea without restrictions. You cannot use sugar, salt, black tea and coffee. The following products can be added to kefir (not more than 400 grams), only with this type of diet the amount of kefir can be reduced to 0, 5 liters.

Example food:

    Kefir with apples
  1. Baked potatoes.
  2. Fresh cheese with little fat.
  3. Fruit.
  4. Cooked chicken breast.
  5. Like the third day.
  6. 1, 5 liters of still water.
  7. Like the fifth day.

This menu, together with the iron will, allows you to lose 5 kg per week.

On the water

In a week, a water diet, with a farewell of seven kilograms, cleanses the body of toxins and removes edema.

The daily menu consists of:

  1. Drink mineral water - 1, 5 liters.
  2. Skimmed milk - 1 liter. You can eat a green apple before bed.
  3. Drink mineral water - 1, 5 liters.
  4. Cabbage and carrot salad with herbs, a drop of vegetable oil.
  5. Skimmed milk - 1 liter.
  6. For breakfast - boiled egg, tea, lunch - light soup and a piece of cooked meat.
  7. For breakfast and dinner - skim milk or cottage cheese. Drink half a liter of kefir for lunch.

On oatmeal

The oatmeal diet is simple and varied. For the first three days, eat oatmeal, drink rosehip herbal extracts, green tea. Proper procedure for cooking porridge: oatmeal is steamed with boiling water and infused for 10 minutes. This method preserves the beneficial properties of oatmeal. In the following days, it is allowed to add green apples to the daily diet.

You can eat 3 hours before bedtime throughout your diet. It is advisable to follow this rule after completing the diet. With oatmeal you can lose weight fast in a week.

Fresh cheese


This diet is very effective in combination with a variety of foods. The most effective diet of cottage cheese with kefir, thanks to which you can lose five pounds a week. Fermented dairy products enhance metabolic processes in the body, as a result of which fats are broken down.

Every day you can eat 300 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, drink up to one and a half liters of one percent kefir. The daily allowance should be divided into six doses. Diet with cottage cheese should be left with caution. Add food gradually, first fruits, cereals and lean meat. To solidify the result, you cannot eat sweets for two weeks.


This budget option is light and tasty. The result is up to 7 kg per week. The diet menu includes apples and water. Weight loss will be followed by calorie restriction.

You can add one piece of rye bread a day to your diet, as well as green tea. The norm per day is 1. 5 kg of apples.

Weight Loss Wraps

One of the most popular volume reduction procedures is wrapping. With its help, you can tighten the skin, make it firm and elastic, thus correcting the figure.

Wraps are available at home, and they are:

  • coffee;
  • chocolate;
  • Wrapping
  • baby;
  • oil and others.

Caffeine in coffee acts on fatty deposits and breaks them down. The skin takes on a healthy color and becomes taut. Honey - nourishes, restores, removes cellulite. For the wrapping process, the honey is melted in a water bath. The cocoa found in chocolate rejuvenates and tightens the skin.

In order to lose weight quickly, a person must formulate a goal on their own. During the diet, try to distract you from interesting activities, hobbies. Be sure to get some sleep. Avoid drinking alcohol and other bad habits. All efforts, if performed in a timely and complex manner, will save part of the extra pounds.