Exercise for weight loss belly and hips at home

exercises for at home

The muscles in the abdominal area and the hips are related to the muscles that form the corset. Therefore, their work requires many interconnected muscles that are located up the back and stretch through the buttocks to the front and inner part of the thighs. Make some changes in way of life and to exercise for weight loss belly and hips at home, how to get the figure of your dreams.

Strategy weight loss abdomen and hips

Belly fat looks aesthetically ugly. In addition, it may affect generally do not exceed your health, if not to limit its growth. Sedentary lifestyle – this is one of the main reasons for the occurrence of abdominal. Lack of regular exercise and low physical activity together with obesity leads to the deposition of fat around the waist. Even in the absence of overweight, poor posture of your body and weak muscles in this area sees the accumulation of fat on the abdomen and flanks. All you have to do, cause the muscles in tone, to get a thin waist. If you think that only diet will help you burn the fat on your stomach, you are mistaken. The diet helps overall weight loss, but is not able to influence the point on the belly and hips. Strength exercises with low intensity provide increased rate of metabolism and allow you burn calories at a faster rate. You will get a greater effect of exercise for weight loss the hips, if you follow these tips:

  • Do movements from the waist, the thigh must be fixed.
  • Keep the abs tight during the entire exercise.
  • Breathe deeply – it strengthens the muscles of the press, and protects the lower part of the back.
beautiful figure

Exercise should take advantage of the large amount of muscle, and spend a lot of energy to intense burning of calories. Here come to the aid of high-intensity training and burning fat exercises. Success 80% depends on the consumption of healthy foods. Follow a balanced diet with an adequate amount of macro and trace elements. Eat food prepared at home, and pass by the fast food and ready meals. If you follow a healthy diet together with regular workouts in the course of 30-45 minutes 4-5 days a week, the weight will gradually decline, but the fat on the abdomen and hips melt.

The most effective exercises for the abdomen and sides of the

You need to predict the possibility of, to do not exceed your body is not accustomed to a similar workout. It is sometimes switch between the two exercises:

  • direct, reverse and lateral twisting, including on the ball;
  • squats with weights;
  • slopes with a barbell;
  • mahi feet and elements of the step-aerobics.

For a 15-minute warm-up before each workout especially suitable jogging, jumping the rope helena on the bike.

Direct twist lying on your back.

Nothing should burn the fat on your stomach faster than twisting. This exercise has many variations. Do not hold your breath while performing. Repeat 2-3 sets of 10 times. Bend your knees and place feet flat on the floor either pick up at a right angle. Keep your hands folded on your chest – so you avoid excess pressure on the muscles of the neck.

twisting lying down

Tighten do not exceed your abs and exhale with the lifting of the cover. On the inhale to go down on the floor. Similar to the initial position, but when lifting the torso tilt to the left shoulder on the right side, hold in the right hand side lying on the floor. Then make it move to the other side. At the same time we can skip knees on the floor in the opposite direction – that the focus of the movement on the lateral muscles. From the initial position of the exercise performs the legs, and no shoulders. Strength to work the muscles of the press, and do not use momentum from rocking legs. The legs in this case stands on the floor, and fitball supports the lower part of the back, the shoulders are on the weight. From this position it is possible to make a direct and lateral twisting. There is no need to completely bow down while lifting the torso, lift the hull at an angle of 30-40 degrees – it save your back from damage. All movements are performed slowly.


This exercise actively using the abdominal muscles and buttocks. It also has several types from basic to advanced levels. Do the 10-12 reps for 2 access. Be careful not to trough in the back while lifting the buttocks. It is executed from a position of lying on your back with knees bent, feet standing on the floor. On the exhale, lift your butt up, tighten do not exceed your abs. Take a break at the top position and descend slowly to the floor. The advanced version assumes that you keep balance with support on one leg while the other stretched up to the ceiling. In this case, the exercise is concentrated by adding weight. Put on belly attempt from rod helen secure on the sides of the dumbbell.

twisting sitting

The stomach vacuum

This exercise is also known as four point, transverse abdominal vacuum. Vacuum exercises for abdominal muscles are doing more emphasis on breathing, and not on increasing the heart rate. It is necessary to perform on an empty stomach.

  • The stomach vacuum from a position on all fours. On the exhale, pull the abdominal muscles and hold them in this position for 15-30 seconds.
  • Do different variations of this exercise sitting, standing or lying down.


This exercise trains the muscles in the abdominal area, thighs and the lower part of the back. Use a variety of upholstery options to pump all the muscle groups of the torso. Try to keep your back straight and do not sag in the shoulder girdle. To abstain in this position, how much you can. Gradually this time to increase and continue to populate the straps on the elongated arm. In a more advanced version of this exercise, lift one zika helena foot above the floor. Hold the hips above the floor, in a complicated variation, lift one leg up – it makes the hard work the side muscles and thighs.

  • The reverse plank is similar to a bridge, only with the backbone not on the shoulders, on the elbows helena's palm.
  • The bracket on the ball.

Take a ride on the ball so that it keeps my feet and hands were placed on the floor under the shoulder belt. The unstable position of the feet on the ball, includes a job, other muscles-stabilizers.

Breathing exercises to reduce waist and hips

With the employment of the and breathing exercises to remove the belly and hips.


We distinguish 2 kinds of techniques. For a flat stomach the effective bodyflex, occisis. In the first version of the technology involves the supply of oxygen to the place of burning fat. For this fasting to perform the exercise, during which special attention is paid to breathing. Exhale is here replaced by a deep breath, then once again a sharp exhale, holding your breath. The exercises are carried out, until the breath of the delay. It takes up to 10 sec., what helps drive the fat. Lessons bodyflex insist 15 minutes, during which they are effective exercises for slimming the abdomen and hips:

Warm-up – feet shoulder width apart, slightly bending down, the body slightly leans forward, palms pushing against a slightly above the knee. Start to breathe deeply, with the effort to push the air into the full release of the lung, quickly breathe in through your nose with the full inflation of the abdomen. Strongly exhale air through the mouth, draw in your stomach, stop breathing for 10 seconds. The repetition of the complex.

  • Put your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees, palms put just above the knee cups to the larynx, exercises. Skip left zika, put the elbow on the left knee, right leg lift to the side with the elongated toe without a tear of the legs. Right zika lift your head, hold until the feeling of stretching the muscles on the lateral side. Spend a cycle of 5 repetitions, change the zika.
  • Sit on the floor, throw his legs on the other, to bend. The right hand, grasp the opposite knee, with your left hand put it behind your back. Do of the larynx, exercise, pull your left knee on myself plus up to the body spinning, he felt the tension in the waist. Look back for stretching of the diaphragm, the outer side of the thigh. Perform 5 repetitions, change sides.

When using the system occisis no sharp exhalation, place them short breaths. Proper technique: 1 take a deep breath, 3 short breaths in, deep breath out, 3 light exhale. Repeat effective technology can be up to 30 times after a meal. This technique stimulates the oblique abdominal muscles of the abdominal press, which has been shrinking for a quarter of an hour up to 250 times. It helps to get rid of the fat, ugly folds, makes your belly flat.

Charging for weight loss abdomen and hips

If you want to lose weight, it is necessary to regularly (up to 4 times a week) undertake intensive exercises, every day to indulge in effective recharge. In exercise it is possible to include the following exercises:

Lying on your back, straighten your arms, palms lean on the floor. Slowly get your feet compatible with the heels of the belly, quickly straighten your legs.

  • Lying on your back, bend the knees, heels not to exceed your hand – on the back side of the neck with divorced elbows. Exhale, lift the torso to the knees, lie down with your arms outstretched along your body, move your feet until the twelfth stroke of the fingers of the Mat above his head. Back to the IP, lift legs up to about 20 cm, to 10 seconds.
  • Sit down, keep your back straight, hands at his hips, the strain of abs, smoothly lay back to abide by the angle of 90 degrees between the body and direct kicks.
  • Shallow squats with a load and slowly sat back on an imaginary chair, to stay longer in a position to straighten out. For complications can squat on one leg, spin the hoop.

How does a exercise for weight loss abdomen and hips

Regular carrying out of even a few exercises – sometimes becomes a test for many who want to lose weight. Really, not everyone can force yourself every day to pay attention to sports, and therefore the majority decides that one of proper nutrition will be enough. However, just like the problem areas like the abdomen and hips, it is very difficult to fix only due to a calorie deficit. By the way, how to create a calorie deficit read here. The volume, of course, is reduced, but a flat tummy yet will not be. For that tummy was flat, it is necessary to have a fit abdominal muscles. If they are weak, your belly will still bulge, forming an ugly line silhouette. Well and tighten the abdominal muscles, it is possible only one way – effective exercises for slimming the abdomen and hips. In addition, the physical burden, of course, helps to lose weight faster.

5 exercises for weight loss abdomen and hips

For starters, let's talk about the wings. There are a number of simple but effective exercises that help reduce the hips and tighten do not exceed your abdominal muscles. In 5 exercise for weight loss belly and sides, which are guaranteed to be smart figure. The first three of the presented are focused on the hips and help easily and relatively quickly get rid of the unnecessary cluster in a given area. These exercises will be enough to get rid of the surplus, but shake the oblique muscles of the press, which may result in an increase in the volume of the waist. The remaining two help to pull the baler and achieve a flat stomach.

strip with fitball
  • 1 Sails. Starting position – feet are shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows, hold on to the belt. Alternately lean in your hand, when this drag one zika on the side of the slope. If you lean to the right side, then stretches the left hand and vice versa. Repeat 30 times. This exercise is very simple, but yet effective enough. Do you need two-three approaches can be repeated every day.
  • 2 Twists of the torso. Starting position – feet are shoulder-width apart, hold your hands at chest level, concluded brush on the castle. Officially turn back, trying to fully develop the torso, legs and pelvis when we are leaving a photos. We do 20 times on each side, two-three approaches.
  • 3 Twisting. Starting position – lying on your back, keep your hands behind your head, feet standing on the floor, legs bent at the knees. Raise the torso to your knees, making a turn, return to the original position. Repeat 10 times in each direction. It would be enough to one-of the two approaches.
  • 4 Lifting the hull. There are two variations of this exercise. The first is aimed at strengthening the upper press, and the second allows you to work well, the lower lis. So, go to the on the floor, legs bendable at the knees, feet we on the floor, keep your hands behind your head. Interruption of the blades from the floor, the chin drawn up, the cover is not completely increases, we accept the original position. We perform two-three sets of 12-15 times. In the second variant does the same, only the body will increase the fully, drawing the breasts to the knees.
  • 5 Lifting legs. Go to the floor, his hands we on the floor, hold it along the fuselage, the lower part of the back well press to the floor. The legs will increase perpendicular to the body and slowly plunge, detained for 1-2 seconds approximately 5-10 cm from the floor, and again raise. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times, make two-three approaches.

Effective exercise for the press

It is difficult to achieve perfection of character, and especially in such "difficult" areas, such as belly and waist. Keep the weight, keep the thin waist, a flat stomach at the age of 40+ years is becoming a real problem. But nothing is impossible. Effective exercises designed by experienced fitness trainer Gay Gasper, it is guaranteed, that will allow you to get a thin waist and flat stomach. Gay Gasper called her — complex "Abdominal press for dummies". For each exercise is suggested, is also more complicated modifications for advanced level helena on the contrary, the lite version, if in the first stage, it is hard to cope even with the basic levels. You won't need special equipment helena grenades, you only need a mat. So complex for a flat stomach Gay Gasper is perfect for exercise at home. Gay Gasper is recommended to combine the exercises for the press with lessons, aerobics and a balanced diet, because only one rocking the press is not enough for a flat stomach. Fat burning is impossible only in one specific area, and therefore, without the aerobic load and a balanced diet a flat stomach you get, and even pumped abdominals will hide the layer of subcutaneous fat. Implementation of these recommendations, that in 2-3 months You can be sure that you get a thin waist and a flat, beautiful tummy. Yes, unfortunately, this process is not fast. But first, that motivate the results you will be able to see through the two weeks, if you engage through the day.